
MineOS Fintech Compliance Solution

Mine Staff
Mine Staff
Apr 15, 2024
min read
MineOS Fintech Compliance Solution

Empowering privacy for financial data

Join industry leaders who have streamlined their privacy programs with Mine's simplicity. Our platform offers industry-leading security protections and easy-to-use tools to automate privacy workflows, ensuring compliance with regulations like Gramm-Leach-Bliley.

Top-tier security

Financial regulations

Protect your company's data with the strongest security technologies and stay in compliance with PCI DSS, PSD2, SOX, and GLBA's Safeguards Rule.

Immediate simplicity

Automate privacy

Automate data mapping, silo discovery, and smart content classification with Mine. Cover all bases and include all discovered systems in user deletion, access, or modification requests.

Streamline compliance 

Mine handles it all, from your sales software to patient database, complying with HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and other data privacy regulations. With flexibility at its core, Mine ensures you can meet current privacy requirements while also preparing for future changes.