MineOS Thrives in G2 Summer 23 Report

MineOS has finished up another successful quarter for data privacy and our customers, and now with G2’s Summer 23 reports out, we get to see the fruits of our labor!
Long story short: MineOS got 94(!) badges, has the highest momentum on all our ranked categories, is surging in the Data Governance for Enterprise and Mid-Markets sectors, and has been named an overall “Leader” in Data Privacy Management.
We’ve seen continued success in our G2 reviews, and that’s because our product and business priorities have always emphasized the end user and the companies that are looking for innovative ways to not only comply with data protection regulations, but lead the industry by championing data privacy.
Our Summer 2023 badges, including numerous Enterprise-level awards, span a range of privacy-related categories such as Data Privacy Management, Data Governance, Sensitive Data Discovery, and more.
Summer 2023 is the 7th consecutive quarter MineOS has had a standout G2 performance. We can’t think of a better demonstration of our connection with our customers and our drive to always improve our platform.
We’d like to think those help us stand out from the competition, but the proof is in the pudding. Privacy Professional and MineOS customer Taufiq Azam said it best when asked about the platform, “there’s nothing else out there that’s like [MineOS], which is why we picked it.”
As MineOS continues to surge, as evidenced by our leading momentum scores across the data governance industry, our team moves forward knowing that our commitment to data rights and powerful data tools is paying off.
We couldn’t be happier or prouder of where we are as a company, and the constant feedback we get from customers is what keeps us going on our journey!
See the G2 Summer 2023 grid report here for yourself or get a free MineOS PoC to see why our reviews are so strong.